Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

This is the General Table of Content;
a guide to all the text pages of this Virtual Gallery

General Pages

What’s New? a quick guide to the general and portfolio pages (rev. 11/29/2005).
Vision Statement, what am I trying to do with my imaging and camera work.
About Tom Cubbage, the man behind the camera.
More About Tom, the man and his spiritual side.
Contacting Tom: how to contact Tom in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA.
Model for Tom: things to think about if you want to model.
Purchase & License Prints: information regarding purchse and licensing of prints
Webpage Design Considerations: what ideas did Tom use to build this virtual gallery?
Copyright matters: Tom’s claims and information.
Viewer’s Comments: insightful comments and critiques by viewers.
Warning Page: danger, there will be nudity present in the virtual gallery pages.

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Click here to go to go back to my Home or Introduction pages.
Click here to go to my Portfolio Index or Guest Artist or Links pages.

The URL for this page is:

This page was first published on 9/4/1997

Updated 9-4-2024, at 1630 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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