Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my Santa Fe Workshop 1996 Images.

"Karli at Tsankawi" 1996 #1

From June 30, to July 6, 1996, I attended Greg Gorman's "Figure Study" workshop, at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops. Greg's class was designed to allow the students to explore new ways of working creatively with nude figure in wilderness settings. Greg, and his assistant Kevin Lynch, taught us how to sculpt the figure with natural light in various locales outside Santa Fe. He encouraged and pushed all of us to stretch our personal vision.

On July 2, 1996, we worked in an outdoors venue east of Los Alamos at "Tsankawi" mesa which is part of the Bandelier National Monument area. An ancient Anasazi Pueblo culture site is located on the mesa.

These as some of the figure images I recorded that day. The model is Karli from Santa Fe. The shoot was done with unfiltered Kodak Lumiere-X film rated at ASA 100. A Minolta Flash Meter III was used to determine exposures. Two gold-surface reflectors (held by the two other students in my shooting team) were used to kick a warm light into the shadow area of the open caves where I posed Karli.

"Karli at Tsankawi" #1

"Somewhere In Time #1"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227544)

"Somewhere In Time #2"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227545)

"Somewhere In Time #3"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227546)

"Somewhere In Time #4"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227539)

"Somewhere In Time #5"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227541)

"Somewhere In Time #6"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC227542)

"Somewhere In Time #7"
(Tsankawi Mesa, NM, 1996) © Tom Cubbage (KC221515)

All images: Copyright 1997, 2000, 2005 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was first published on 5/20/2000
Updated 05/06/2013, at 15:00 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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