Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my Santa Fe September 1997 Images.

The "Dreaming of Georgia" Series, 1997, Part 4

On September 19, 1997, at the Vista Clara Ranch & Spa (at Galisteo, NM), I did a photo shoot with Patti Levey. We had both had an opportunity to study and reflect on the then recently re-published Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait by Alfred Stieglitz (1997: MMA/Abrams) and we decided to do a shoot in a rustic and retro-style to recapture the feeling of what it must have been like when Alfred did his figure portraits of Georgia in the 1920's and 30's. The shoot was a wonderful collaborative effort. Patti and I are most thankful for the kind hospitality of Kaye Sanford at Vista Clara.

These as some of the black and white figure images I recorded during the "Dreaming of Georgia" shoot.

"Dreaming of Georgia" - Figure Gallery #2

The Doorway: Late afternoon rains forced the shoot with Patti indoors. Fortunately we had the use of a suite at Vista Clara had a west-facing door and there was just enough available light to work close to the door.

(Studio, Tulsa, OK, March, 1994) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (JH121406.jpg)

"Doorway #18"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383837.jpg)

"Doorway #19"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383829.jpg)

"Doorway #20"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383830.jpg)

"Doorway #21"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383833.jpg)

"Doorway #22"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383827.jpg)

"Doorway #23"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383839.jpg)

"Doorway #24"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383837.jpg)

The Portico: This image was done in June 1997 at Vista Clara when I first worked with Patti during Joyce Tenneson's "Evocative Portrait" seminar at the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops.

"Portico #6"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL275328.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1997, 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was published on 2/28/2000.
Updated 11/28/2005, at 2245 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage.

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