Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my "Santa Fe 2000" images.

"Santa Fe 2000 - An American Beauty"
Gallery 2 (Color Images)

This is a special series. All of the work was done in Santa Fe in two hours on a single Saturday morning in September 2000. The venue was the campus of the Santa Fe Photographic Workshop. The model for the 160 portrait images shot that day is Patti Levey. All of the images were done with either an Olympus digital D-360L or D-460 Zoom camera.

I was pleased with the quality of the digital images the two Olympus camera captured, and with the work of model Patti. Shown below are fifteen images that represent a sampling of color finished images. Other pages provide additional work highlighting images done in the b/w, sepia, tinted flesh, and special effects styles. Return to the introduction.

"Santa Fe 2000 - An American Beauty"
Gallery 1 (Color Images)

"Patti - Color No 1"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 068.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 2"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 166b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 3"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 070.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 4"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 080.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 5"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 040.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 6"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 108b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 7"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 116.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 8"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 105b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 9"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 125b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 10"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 143.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 11"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 148b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 12"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 158b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 13"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 062b.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 14"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 010.jpg)

"Patti - Color No 15"
(Santa Fe, NM 9/00) (PL 000909 020.jpg)

All images: Copyright 2001 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was first published on 5/5/2001
This page republished on on 9/11/2004
Updated 11/25/2005, at 1600 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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