Photography by Tom Cubbage, and others.

These are some of Rusalka images.

Guest Artist: Rusalka
Gallery 4 - "Outdoors"

Rusalka is a Ukrainian photographer and figure model. She says she would rather work outdoors than in her studio, but to do so requires a friend to act as her assistant. Rusalka picks the site, sets up the camera, gets into place, and the assistant then trips the shutter. In situations like this, use of an assistant does not make these images any the less a self portrait, for they reflect Rusalka's creative eye.

This pages show examples of her work done outdoors in the Crimean countryside.

Rusalka's "Outdoors" Gallery

"No. 21 - "Natural Camouflage 1, Rusalka SP" (PPB100017)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 22 - "Natural Camouflage 2, Rusalka SP" (PB100017b)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 23 - "Fall Colors 1, Rusalka SP" (PB100014a)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 24 - "Fall Colors 2, Rusalka SP" (PB100014b)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 25 - "Fall Colors 3, RusalkaSP" (PB100024)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 26 - "Fall Colors 4, Rusalka SP" (PB100025)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 27 - "Shaded Stream 1, Rusalka SP" (P8140027b)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

"No. 28 - "Shaded Stream 2, Rusalka SP" (P8140027d)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rusalka

Copyright 2001 by Rusalka - All Rights Reserved

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This page was first published on 11/24/2001.
Updated 2/18/2007, at 16:15 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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