Photography by Tom Cubbage, and others.

These are some of Rusalka's images.

Guest Artist: Rusalka
Gallery 1 - "Introduction"

Rusalka is a Ukrainian photographer and figure model. She was born in Simferopol City, on the Crimean Peninsula in 1970, in what was then the Soviet Union. She graduated from Crimean College of Artistic Design in 1992, with a degree in art painting and set decorating,

Today Rusalka is a set painter and performance decorator at the The Crimean Academy, the Russian drama theatre of Simferopol. She also instructs in the Crimean Educational Centre where she works with students ages 13-17 years old, and teaches them computer graphics art and website design (using Photo-Paint, 3d MAX, TV-Paint, and Front Page).

Rusalta has also worked as a fine-art figure model for painters and photographers. Then, one day, she said, "I can do that."

In 2001 Rusalka began to work behind the camera using an Olympus C-960 Zoom digital camera (that is the same model as the U.S.A. version called the D-460 Zoom). Working as both photographer and model, Rusalka has created a body of self-portrait fine-art figure work. Most of her work is done in a small studio area in her apartment, but she also likes to work outdoors in the scenic Crimea countryside.

Rusalka uses Corel's Photo-Paint 10, and its included Corel Draw-10 software, to edit and creatively process her own digital images.

The images on this page illustrate the several kinds of imaging that Rusalka is doing. Three other pages show more examples of her several modes of self-expression and visual artistry.

Rusalka's "Introduction" Gallery

"No. 1 - "Rulaska SP" (P7190007b)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

"No. 2 - "Rulaska SP" (P7180007b)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

"No. 11 - "Rulaska SP" (PB020040)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

"No. 12 - "Rulaska SP" (PB020039)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

"No. 19 - "Rulaska in Tree SP" (PB100019)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

"No. 20 - "Rulaska in Stream SP" (PB140027)
(Crimea) © 2001 Rulaska

Images: Copyright 2001 by Rulaska - All Rights Reserved
Commentary: Copyright 2001 by Tom Cubbage - All Rights Reserved

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This page was first published on 11/23/2001.
Updated 2/18/2007, at 1520 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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