Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio nude black & white images

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1996" - Part 3

In May 1996 began to experiment with the idea of incorporating dance and flowing fabrics into my figure work. This kind of work was made easier by the fact that in March I began to work with a Canon Elan IIe: the eye-controlled focus mode of that camera made the shooting of a model in motion so much easier.

For this work I used both Fuji Sensia II color slide film (rated at ISO 200) and AGFA Scala 200 b/w slide film (also rated at ISO 200). After having all the images scanned to Kodak Photo CD's, I converted the color photo to grayscale images using Adobe Photo Deluxe (see Nos. 1-5 and 11-13).

The model Neysa, who was both beautiful and graceful, seemed a perfect choice for use as the subject in the new project. Here are some of the images recorded during the only shoot I did with Neysa that year.

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1996" - Part 3

The "Neysa" Series

"Neysa #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225793.jpg)

"Neysa #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250523.jpg)

"Neysa #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250522.jpg)

"Neysa #4"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225794.jpg)

"Neysa #5"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225795.jpg)

"Neysa #6"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250520.jpg)

"Neysa #7"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225796.jpg)

"Neysa #8"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250519.jpg)

"Neysa #9"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225798.jpg)

"Neysa #10"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225797.jpg)

"Neysa #11"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE225792.jpg)

"Neysa #12"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250521.jpg)

"Neysa #13"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250524.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1997 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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