Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio nude black & white images

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1995"

By 1995 I had a permanet studio. During that year I continued to use Kodak T-MAX 100 b/w negative film for my personal fine-art work (usually rating it is ISO 100) in the studio. Here are some of the images recorded that year.

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1995" - Part 1

"Neysa #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (NE250517.jpg)

"Neysa #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (NE250599.jpg)

"Kristi #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121340.jpg)

"Kristi #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121341.jpg)

"Kristi #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121345.jpg)

"Kristi #4"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121351.jpg)

"Kristi #5"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121354.jpg)

"Kristi #6"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (KJ121355.jpg)

"Alice #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (AA121417.jpg)

"Alice #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (AA121421.jpg)

"Shelly #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (SK311077.jpg)

"Shelly #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK) © 1995 Tom Cubbage (SK311078.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1995, 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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