Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio nude black & white images

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 2005 #1"

From 1955 to 2000 I shot almost exclusively with slide film: I never had a darkroom, so it was simply easier to work with slides. In 1994 I began to do some personal work with Kodak T-MAX 100 b/w negative film. But, I was never that happy with b/w negative film: for me it was just not a convenient medium. Today, using my Canon EOS 10D digital camera and Photoshop CS2, and plug-ins for the latter, I am finding the genre of BW imaging to be a convenient and user friendly medium. All of the images in this page were begun as Canon RAW format color images, and finalized using Photoshop CS2 and the plug-in Virtual Photographer (v.1.44, by optikVerve Labs). The model is Vivian Beaumont.

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 2005" Gallery 1

"Torso 1"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3640.jpg)

"Torso 2"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3619.jpg)

"Torso 3"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3614.jpg)

"Torso 4"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3632.jpg)

"Torso 5"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3530.jpg)

"Torso 6"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3559.jpg)

"Torso 7"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 3-8-2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (snf05-vb3534.jpg)

All images: Copyright 2005 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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