"Color Imaging in Tulsa 2005"

The "Critters Living at the Tulsa Zoo" Series

During 2005 I did some photography at the Zoo in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Here are some of the images recorded during that photoshoot. These were first published in 2005 using software that required the Adobe Flash program. When Adobe no longer supported that program the pages were no longer visible. Now they are back with the new Word Press program.

(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (01-Lion.jpg)

(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (02-Tiger.jpg)

"American Cougar"
(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (03-Puma.jpg)

"Snow Leopard"
(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2014 Tom Cubbage (04-Leopard.jpg)

"Gray Squirrel"
(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (05-Squirrel.jpg)

"River Otter"
(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (06-Otter.jpg)

(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (07-Crocodile.jpg)

(Tulsa Zoo, 2005) © 2005 Tom Cubbage (Flamingo.jpg)

All images: Copyright 2005 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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