Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio nude black & white images

The "Dreaming of Georgia" Series, 1997, Part 3

All my life (well, since 1956) I have been partial to shooting with slide film. I have never had a darkroom, so it was easier to work with slides. In 1994 I began to do some personal work with Kodak T-MAX 100 b/w negative film. Here are ten of the images recorded that year with the Kodak negative film. Except for the images of Jean, all these were shot with available light. Jean's shoot was illuminated by three 500 watt tungsten bulbs.

"Dreaming of Georgia" - Figure Gallery #1

The Doorway: The quiet intimacy of many of Alfred's bold figure portraits of Georgia gave Patti and I direction for this figure series. As we worked on the portrait images storm clouds began to build in the afternoon sky. By the time we were ready to do the black and white figure studies the rains had begun. We decided to continue our work with Patti standing and sitting just inside a west-facing doorway using the available light from the late afternoon sun that was shining under the overhead rain clouds.

"Doorway #9"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383854.jpg)

"Doorway #10"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383856.jpg)

"Doorway #11"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383826.jpg)

"Doorway #12"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383831.jpg)

"Doorway #13"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383832.jpg)

"Doorway #14"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383828.jpg)

"Doorway #15"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383836.jpg)

"Doorway #16"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383841.jpg)

The Portico: My first opportunity to do figure work with Patti was during the June 1997 workshop on a portico at Vista Clara. On that shoot I used Polaroid PolaPan film. During the September 1997 shoot I used Kodak T-Max100. Both films were rated ASA 100.

"Portico #5"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL275331.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1997, 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was published on 2/28/2000.
Updated 11/28/2005, at 2245 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage.

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