Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my Santa Fe September 1997 Images.

The "Dreaming of Georgia" Series, 1997, Part 1

in June of 1997 while attending a course at the Santa Fe Workshop, I met and got to know model and photographer Patti Levey. While working with her, I was stuck, by how much Patti looked like Georgia O'Keeffe looked when the latter was Patti's age—i.e., in her early thirty's.

On September 19, 1997, at the Vista Clara Ranch & Spa (at Galisteo, NM), I did another photo shoot with Patti. We had both had an opportunity to study and reflect on the then recently re-published Georgia O'Keeffe: A Portrait by Alfred Stieglitz (1997: MMA/Abrams) and we decided to do a shoot in a rustic and retro-style to recapture the feeling of what it must have been like when Alfred did his portraits of Georgia in the 1920's and 30's. For three hours in the afternoon, as storm clouds threatened, Patti and I played the roles of Georgia and Alfred, using first black and white, and then color slide film. The shoot was a wonderful collaborative effort.

Patti and I are most thankful for the kind hospitality of Kaye Sanford at Vista Clara.

These as some of the black and white portrait images I recorded during the "Dreaming of Georgia" shoot.

"Dreaming of Georgia" - Portrait Gallery #1

Hands: The first thing one notices about Stieglitz's portraits of Georgia is how many pictures there are of her hands. Accordingly, Patti and I did a series of shots where the focal point is her hands.

"Hands #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383825.jpg)

"Hands #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383812.jpg)

"Hands #3"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383801.jpg)

"Hands #4"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383813.jpg)

"Hands #5"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383803.jpg)

Corn: There are no portraits of Georgia holding corn, but there are many of her in a black dress. Corn is such a staple in the diet of the people of the Southwest that this series just seems right.

"Corn #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383845.jpg)

"Corn #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383852.jpg)

"Corn #3"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383851.jpg)

The Horse Head: One of Alfred's images is of Georgia's hands caressing a bleached horsehead skull, prompting this series.

"Horsehead #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383869.jpg)

"Horsehead #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383864.jpg)

"Horsehead #3"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383865.jpg)

Doorway: The quiet intimacy of many of Alfred's portraits of Georgia gave Patti and I direction for this series. Several images of Georgia in a white shirt suggested this series done in a doorway by late afternoon light.

"Doorway #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383860.jpg)

"Doorway #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383834.jpg)

"Doorway #3"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383831.jpg)

"Doorway #4"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL383840.jpg)

The Portico: My first opportunity to shoot with Patti during the June 1997 workshop came on a portico at Vista Clara. These were shot using Polaroid PolaPan film. When I went back in September I used Kodak T-Max100. Both films were rated ASA 100.

"Portico #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL275325.jpg)

"Portico #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997 Tom Cubbage (PL275326.jpg)

All images: Copyright 1997, 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was published on 2/27/2000.
Updated 11/28/2005, at 2245 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage.

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