Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my "Kiva Light" images.

"Kiva Light 1997 #1"

During a photography workshop in June 1997, I discovered an incredible shooting venue at the Vista Clara Ranch and Spa near Galisteo, NM. Among the buildings is a modern Kiva—a large round room with a three-foot square skylight in the two story high ceiling. In mid-summer, for about two hours at mid-day, the sun pours through that single skylight and comes straight down. Vista Clara owner Kaye Sanford made it possible for me to return to the Ranch and work with the available light in the Kiva. Three models were able to join me so we could explore the figure studies imaging possibilities presented by the single overhead light source. These are some of the images from that series, on day one, with model Patti Levey. Assisting me was photographer, and friend, Norm Stuppi of Amarillo, Texas.

"Kiva Light 1997" - Gallery 1

"Kiva Light - Patti #1"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275359.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #2"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275360.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #3"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275361.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #4"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275363.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #5"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275364.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #6"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275366.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #7"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275367.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #8"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275369.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #9"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275370.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #10"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275371.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #11"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275372.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #12"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275373.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Patti #13"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275374.jpg)

"Kiva Light - Tom, Norm, and Patti"
(Vista Clara, NM, 1997) © 1997, 2000 Tom Cubbage (PL275356.jpg)
[One wall of the Kiva was mirrored, which invited a self-portrait.]

All images: Copyright 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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This page was first published on 2/20/2000
Updated 11/29/2000, at 2300 hours CST, by Webmaster Tom Cubbage

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