Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my Santa Fe Workshop 1997 Images.

"Portraits of Eve Outdoors at SFW Campus"

From June 22–28, 1997, I attended Joyce Tenneson's "Evocative Portrait" workshop. It was designed to afford the students (fifteen of us) an opportunity to reflect on what makes constitutes good portraiture. Joyce encouraged and pushed us to sharpen our photographic eye and hone our critical photographic abilities while transforming our expectations about what is possible in portrait imagery. We worked on the Santa Fe Workshop campus, and at other venues both in and outside of Santa Fe.

During the week long workshop we were encouraged to do portraits of our classmates. These as some of the informal outdoors portrait I took of fellow student Eve on the last afternoon of that Sante Fe Workshop program. The film used was Kodak E-100 SW. A Minolta Flash Meter III was used to determine exposures.

"Eve Outdoors at SFW Campus" 1997

"Eve Outdoors #1"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275305)

"Eve Outdoors #2"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275307)

"Eve Outdoors #3"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275301)

"Eve Outdoors #4"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275898)

"Eve Outdoors #5"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275892)

"Eve Outdoors #6"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275891)

"Eve Outdoors #7"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275893)

"Eve Outdoors #8"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275894)

"Eve Outdoors #9"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275899)

"Eve Outdoors #10"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275800)

"Eve Outdoors #11"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275897)

"Eve Outdoors #12"
(Santa Fe, NM, 1997) © Tom Cubbage (ER275896)

All images: Copyright 1997, 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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