Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio nude black & white images

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1996" - Part 2

During 1996 I continued to do use both Kodak T-MAX 100 b/w negative film (rating at ISO 80) and AGFA Scala 200 b/w slide film (rated at ISO 200) for my personal fine-art work in the studio. Here are some of the images recorded that years during three shoots with model Shelly. The first four were done in my permanent studio; the rest—all done with available light—where shot in an "ersatz" (improvised) studio in Tulsa. The soft light of the latter came from rain clouds that forced me to rethink what was to have been an outdoors portrait shoot in Woodward Park.

"Studio Nudes, B/W, 1996" - Part 2

The "Shelly" Series

"Shelly #1"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK227558.jpg)

"Shelly #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073958.jpg)

"Shelly #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073959.jpg)

"Shelly #4"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK162518.jpg)

"Shelly #5"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073989.jpg)

"Shelly #6"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK227645.jpg)

"Shelly #7"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073962.jpg)

"Shelly #8"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073963.jpg)

"Shelly #9"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK311099.jpg)

"Shelly #10"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK311098.jpg)

"Shelly #11"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073994.jpg)

"Shelly #12"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK162505.jpg)

"Shelly #13"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK162503.jpg)

"Shelly #14"
(Ersatz Studio, Tulsa, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK162504.jpg)

All images: Copyright 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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