Photography by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II

These are some of my studio figurative portrait black & white images

"Studio Figurative Portraits, B/W, 1996" - Part 2

Here are more of the figurative portrait images recorded in 1996 during several figure shoots with four different models. Some of these images were made in my permanent studio using studio lighting. Others were done by available light at an "ersatz studio," which I defined as any indoors area turned into a temporary studio. These are informal portraits. What they illustrate is that at any given moment there are an unlimited number of way to frame a model for a shot.

"Studio Figurative Portraits, B/W, 1996"

"Neysa #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (NE250522.jpg)

"Jennifer #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (JH011297.jpg)

"Connie #2"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (CB227683.jpg)

"Connie #3"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (CB227682.jpg)

"Shelly #9"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073955.jpg)

"Shelly #10"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073951.jpg)

"Shelly #11"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK227660.jpg)

"Shelly #12"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK311096.jpg)

"Shelly #13"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK311000.jpg)

"Shelly #14"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK311094.jpg)

"Shelly #15"
(Studio, Bartlesville, OK, 1996) © 2000 Tom Cubbage (SK073991.jpg)

All images: Copyright 2000 by T. L. "Tom" Cubbage II - All Rights Reserved

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